Author: labsoko

Acute Care Products At

Equipment and Supplies that are used in hospitals and clinics. This type of equipment and supplies are used on a daily basis for patient care and require a medical professional to use. General-purpose trays Minor procedure trays Wound and skincare kits Monitoring equipment Non-surgical instruments

Surgical Medical Equipment’s Available At

The success of a surgery depends on the accuracy of the surgical equipment and instruments. There are many different types of equipment used in surgery, each with their own purpose. The most common surgical equipment and instruments include: Surgical Tables Utility Tables Instrument Tables Hampers Mayo Stands Solution Stands Kickbuckets Surgical Table Pads Leg Supports …

Surgical Medical Equipment’s Available At Labsoko.comRead More

Electronic Medical Equipment’s Available At

Electronic Equipment is designed, monitor, and record body functions such as the heartbeat and brain waves. There are various types of electronic medical supplies including: Software: Electronic Medical Records, Medical Imaging Software, etc Monitors: Heart Rate Monitors, Blood Pressure Monitors, Ultrasound, etc Medication Pumps Mobile Technology Carts: Mobile Workstations, Computers on Wheels, etc Powered Medical …

Electronic Medical Equipment’s Available At Labsoko.comRead More

A complete guide to Chemistry Laboratory Equipment and Furniture

Chemistry is the branch of science concerned with the substances of which matter is composed, the investigation of their properties and reactions, and the use of such reactions to form new substances. And a laboratory gives us a perfect chance to build upon the basics taught in class. Purpose of chemistry laboratory Ability to solve …

A complete guide to Chemistry Laboratory Equipment and FurnitureRead More